The Mundane Becomes Eternal

There are memories that should not be vivid in and of themselves.  They are only still alive because of the crossroads they created in your life.  Over 20 years ago, we were youth pastors at a church that we loved.  I had just finished Bible college and was sitting on the counter in the church kitchen.  I was having a conversation with a student, I believe.  The conversation may have been significant, but that is not what I remember.  What I remember is a silly little thing that happened right after that.  One of the board members walked into the the kitchen with a check in hand.  Here is how it went down:

“Where’s your husband?” he asked.

“I’m not sure,” I said.  

“I have his Christmas bonus check,” he said innocently enough.

“I’ll take it,” said efficient little me.  

“It’s written to Daran.  He’s the youth pastor,” he joked with a manly giggle. 

That innocent jibe hurt immensely more than I let on.  I don’t think he realized it even affected me at all.  I’m sure that I smiled and said something cutely sarcastic back, while I was reeling from anger, jealousy, pride, etc. (all the evil little things I preach against at once.) Weird how something so mundane and pointless can knock the wind out of you.  

You see, I had just finished Bible college graduating Magna Cum Laude and was just as qualified in my mind to do this job.  What I wanted was recognition, a title.  I distinctly remember envisioning a simple brown door with a name plate on it that gave me a title.  (We only had simple brown doors in our cute little church.  I’m not sure what the title would have been? 

Noreen Lemon - graduate of Bible college and getter of good grades

Noreen Lemon - culinary artist that feeds the masses more than hot dogs

Noreen Lemon - wiper away of tears when your 1 week relationship falls apart

Noreen Lemon - pretty darn good wife that adores her husband (I don’t think we could say darn back then, nevertheless put it on a metal plate on a door in a church.)

Then, I started to devise a clever plan to obtain such a title.  Hmmm….  I decided that if a Bible college degree couldn’t do, the best and quickest course of action would be to become a licensed minister.  Super easy.  I only had to take a test and boom! Name Plate on my nonexistent office!  The only problem was that as soon as I had that clever thought, I heard a voice say, “No.”  It wasn’t a booming voice just a quiet but ridiculously impossible to ignore voice.  I’m sure that I put up a fight with the invasive voice, but at the end of this conversation in my head, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I took that road, it would not be enough.  I would need another title and another title.  

“Do you need recognition in order to do what I have called you to do?”  

Ouch!  This question brought me to my knees.  In that moment, I decided that I would not pursue any title and that I would not pursue being a licensed minister.  That license to me was a golden calf made to celebrate me.  

I did eventually get my license many years later and I am finishing up my ordination right now - but it is no longer a golden calf - just a formality.  I think back to that mundane moment and I realize that my Savior did some serious pruning that day.  It hurt, but it was so worth it.  I am still prideful.  I still like some recognition, but I can only imagine where I would have been had I taken the path toward the illusive name plate.  (Can you imagine how big the name plate would be with all of the titles I thought I needed!)

So to you, I ask, have you reached an intersection in your life and you need to make a left instead of a right? or a u-turn instead of going straight?

And to the sweet board member, thanks for the joke, it changed my life!

And to the “Voice” - thanks for believing in my ability to change direction midstream. 

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