When Science Confirms what God already said...

I love math!  I love how certain it is and how precise it is.  I love math so much that I do math and logic puzzles just for the sheer fun of it.  I dream in numbers.  When my mind is wandering, it is usually strolling down the number line.  

Did you know that if you have $100 and you spend $70 on your cell phone bill, you will have $30 left.  You also will have the ability to text for the month, stream videos, check instagram, etc.  Most of those things you won’t remember, and you definitely won’t have any meaningful conversations because we all know that the actual phone function of a cell phone is unnecessary.

Did you know that if you have $100 and you give $100 to feed children that are hungry, you will get happiness, a longer life, better relationships and you will have $0 left to spend on yourself. 

So this is where the math breaks down.  These numbers don’t add up.  The benefit of spending $100 on someone else is guaranteed to improve the quality of your life, but the benefit of spending $100 on yourself has no guaranteed effect on your life.  

There was a study done where a group of people were given $100.  One group had to agree to spend it on themselves and the other group had to agree to spend it on someone else.  Which do you think were happier in the end? Exactly.  The ones that agreed to spend it on others.

Now here is where it get’s interesting. Let’s back up. Before they received the money, they put each of them in an MRI machine and asked ALL of them to think about giving a gift to someone. Who would they give it to?  What would they give them?  How much would they spend?  This triggered the part of their brain responsible for happiness.  Interestingly though, those that originally had planned on spending money on others had more interaction with the happiness part of their brain than those that did not.  So not only is it healthy to give, it is healthy to plan on giving!  It makes you happy when you plan on giving!  

I love when science confirms that the commands of God are good for us!

"You shall bring the very first of the first fruits of your soil into the house of the LORD your God.”  -Exodus 34:26

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