When your doctor discovers the truth.

When Ayden was asked what he ate for breakfast, his response to his pediatrician was, “Nothing.”  The physician asked him why he didn’t eat breakfast and he said, “There’s nothing in our house to eat.”  After the physician left the room pondering why I didn’t feed my children, I asked Ayden what he wanted to eat for breakfast that was not already in our house.  He replied, “Cereal.”  Immediately I envisioned the top shelf of our pantry with about 10 boxes of cereal crammed on it.  I retorted, “We have tons of cereal!”  He quickly argued, “Not any I like.”  Being the good mom that I am, I inquired as to what cereal he likes so I could stock up before his next check up with the doctor.  He answered, “Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”  I quickly scanned my pantry shelf in my mind's eye and spied two boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I mentioned them to him.  His quick response was, “Not name brand.”  I’m not sure what came out of my mouth after that, but it was short-lived because the doctor reentered the room.

Fast forward to the kid’s checkup on Thursday.  I had left the room briefly to take Avriel to the bathroom.  I reentered the exam room and the doctor said, "I have a few questions for you that the kids couldn’t answer.”  I started to think through what he could have asked them that they didn’t already know.  Social security number?  Weight?  Immunizations?  etc.  The doctor continued, “I’m surprised Ayden didn’t know this one.”  "Hmmm…what could that be?” I wonder.  “Can you tell me what grade he is in?”  After I "picked myself up off the floor", I explained to the doctor that he was a junior and that we had discussed many times that he was graduating the next year.  He in fact was preparing to take two CLEP tests in preparation for college.  After my second mom fail with the same doctor, I made a conscious decision that Ayden is going to all future check-ups with his dad.  

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