Explaining the Phenoma of busy signals and corded phones...

This weekend I yearned for the good ole days a little bit. Nestled in a canyon in a cabin sans cell service was a tonic for my soul.

I was trying to explain that long ago time before cell phones to our tech savvy girls snuggled by a fire. “You didn’t know who was calling!?” and similar questions peppered the evening. We explained strange phenomena like busy signals, how the rich and famous had two phone lines in their homes, and the elation we felt when caller id was invented.

Just a note to all of you that don’t already know this, I have a deep affection for the “Great Indoors.” Now don’t get me wrong, I love the “Great Outdoors” under the following circumstances:

  • When there is a rock solid guarantee that I will sleep on a "for real" mattress after enjoying it.

  • When there is a rock solid guarantee that I will sleep in a climate controlled environment after enjoying it.

  • When there is a rock solid guarantee that there will be running water and a "for real" toilet within a few steps of my bed.

  • When there is a rock solid guarantee that there will be good weather. (However, I am not opposed to observing bad weather from a climate controlled environment. I have a deep deep love for observing precipitation from a couch through a closed window.)

I’m sure you have concluded that I don’t desire to go back to the days before air-conditioning and legitimate shelter options, but I think I do yearn for the days before the Information Age.

Snuggling up with our Chi Alpha ladies at Ladies’ retreat and talking about everything under the sun - mostly boys if we’re being honest - was therapeutic for all of our souls. The inability to check our phones or receive text messages, facebook notifications, snapchat messages, etc. led us to a place of deep conversations and even deeper community. Although I want the great outdoors with certain parameters, the disconnect from society will be worth the trek into the woods every time.

Noreen LemonComment