Jesus vs. Flies

It was a cold winter morning.  The sun had yet to rise.  I was bundled up in a blanket sitting at the kitchen table.  The only way I could keep my eyes open at this crazy hour was to sit in a hard chair in the cold kitchen.  I had no idea at that moment that God would etch in my memory a profound lesson in faith.  

While in deep thought and prayer, a buzzing sound assaulted my right ear and then my left ear.  I attempted to stay focused and pray through it, but I am easily distractible.  I decided a long time ago that flies are spawns of Satan and that they are on special assignment when they are circling my head during prayer.  You know how they trick you into thinking they are gone, and then out of nowhere you hear the approach, the turn around the back of your head, and the doppler effect of them sneaking away.  Deceptive little creatures.  Again, more proof of their unholy missions.  

In the past I have prayed vehement prayers like, “Lord, make that fly stop!” etc.  This time I was particularly irritated because it was winter time.  Where did this fly come from?  Obviously it was sent from the pits of hell because it was far too frigid for a fly to abide in this home.  I decided to take my prayer to another level.  I paused, looked at the fly that was flying directly toward my face, and prayed through gritted teeth, “Lord, please kill that fly.” 

I then decided to see what would happen.  I opened my eyes.  The fly was “staring” me down on his approach toward my face.  He gently landed on the table about 2 feet from me.  He proceeded to slowly walk toward me.  I felt like I was in a slow-mo fight scene.  At this point I probably should have swatted him with a nearby object, but I was mesmerized by the ominous walk in my direction.  What was he going to do to me now that I had pleaded with God Almighty to take his life. He was mid step when he fell onto his side and breathed his last.  That’s it!  He fell over onto his side and just stopped moving in the middle of the table.  I know that I should not be shocked that God can kill a fly and would willingly do it for me, but it was so dramatic too. 

I’m not sure how long I sat there staring at the now dead spawn of the enemy, but it was a little bit.  I gathered myself, said “Thank you, Jesus.” and decided I should remove the corpse from the table so that I could continue in prayer.  

Ridiculously funny, right?  Profoundly powerful too, I hope.  I read a few days ago Isaiah in: Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. 

In light of the aforementioned incident, the verse has new meaning to me!

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