Plastic Beds + Strep Throat = Introspection

I'm back from my week in the woods with some of my favorite people! Oh the adventures and oh the fun and oh the strep throat! After a trip to urgent care and armed with antibiotics, I was ready for the week to begin but unfortunately it was almost over.

So what do you learn when you have fever, chills and a sore throat on a plastic bed while the rest of the world is getting to do the fun stuff.

  1. I really love people, their stories, their lives, and sharing my story and my life with them.

  2. My family are rock stars at taking care of me and letting me rest.

  3. You can learn a lot about yourself when wrapped in a sleeping bag on a plastic bed. Being inside my head revealed a lot to me. Good and bad - but both insightful.

Time to pick up the pen and write about it…

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