Nobody told me, but we survived...

We're back! For those of you that didn't realize we were gone, I'm not offended. For those of you that realized we were gone and questioned our survival because of a lack of communication, I am here to tell you why.

I unplugged - like literally. No social media, no phone calls, no nothing except our nightly facetime calls with the family. Do you know how much you miss when you unplug - apparently a lot because I am buried in a mountain of work, stuff, and laundry of course.

So for those of you who care or are thoroughly bored (a mood I have not experienced since childhood), here is a recap of day 1 in Ireland, the day we landed in Dublin.

Nobody found it necessary to inform me that sitting on the left side of a car in which you are not driving may be one of the most terrifying experiences of your life. They always talk about driving on the left and forget about the poor helpless passenger on the left side of the vehicle with no steering wheel or brake (no matter how much you press your foot vehemently into the floorboard.)

Note: for those of you that want to give it a try, just don't.

I was the designated navigator. Daran was the designated driver because I surely would have been extradited back to America if I tried to drive. I couldn't navigate because my heart was in my throat making it difficult for my voice box to work. Also, the lack of street signs is a lovely antiquated feature of Ireland. So this sweet lady on my phone telling me to turn left onto castle street may have received my wrath more than once when I not so kindly said, "Where the heck is....?"

Anyways, we stopped. I jumped out of the car and literally almost kissed my first Irish sidewalk because of my gratitude at breathing. After we got to the hotel, we walked because I refused to get back in that tiny neon blue death trap of a vehicle that evening.

Side notes for those of you who care:

  • They put mashed potatoes in my beef stew at the Brazen Head and it was yummy!

  • I learned that American bacon is called streaky bacon. We only found it in a couple places.

  • The coffee was mostly delicious except in the hotel room where you are only provide instant coffee. Almost every restaurant or pub offered Americanos.

  • BTW, you will see stuffed animals in some of our pictures. That was for Avriel.

  • We had air con (short for air conditioning) in our first hotel. We didn't know that would be the first and last time.

  • The first night I woke up a lot cuz my body was confused with the 7 hour time change, but the next day was great.