Chilly Temps & Crazy Expectant Dependency

How to begin? Someone asked how our national staff conference was in Phoenix, and I jokingly responded, "We all got saved!" A bit of an exaggeration but it seems I couldn't conjure words that adequately described the impact on our souls.

Expecting a stifling 115 degrees heat, we were greeted with "chilly" below 100 temps and an atmosphere supersaturated with the Holy Spirit.

If I detailed the week for you, I don't believe the telling of it would seem an adequate catalyst for the result. But the result is this: Crazy Expectant Dependency on the Holy Spirit.

Upon coming to Utah 10 years ago, Daran received this verse from the Lord that has since nudged at our souls. "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power," 1 Corinthians 2:4. That verse seems to have moved beyond nudging and is crashing into our souls now infiltrating every nook and cranny.

Tomorrow we leave for our Student Leadership Retreat, in which our student leaders prepare both practically and spiritually for leading small groups this fall. I want this very verse to crash into their souls and infiltrate every nook and cranny. Would you pray that over them?

Prayer Guide:

August 5-8 Student Leadership Retreat

August 15-20 Move-In week (We will be at different apartments helping students move in and holding events. Side note: all of the girls will be moving into our Chi Alpha house.)

August 22-26 First Week of Classes (On campus every day meeting students)

August 29-Sept 2 Small Groups Begin

August 30 First Large Group Gathering

September 14-15 Club Rush Event - Last Chance to Meet students

October 7-9 Fall Retreat (Where students lives are transformed and community is solidified)

Noreen LemonComment