This arduous task...

I have had so many exclaim, “I could never do that!”

What could they be referring to…

Support raising.

I agree that it is arduous like building a castle one brick at a time and sometimes a half a brick at a time or a quarter of a brick at a time.  There is also the not-so-fun task of the removal of bricks from time to time.

However many have heard me say, “I would never do it any other way.”

Crazy, I know, but as I survey this castle in front of me, I can name each brick and tell you their story.  Each one represents sweat, effort, sacrifice and prayer - not on my part but on the part of the brick and that is a gift that is irreplaceable and supremely valuable.

During every support raising season, I spend hours (a whole lot of them) in front of my computer at my desk in the corner of my bedroom.  I write thank you notes.  I write sympathy cards.  I write blogs.  I update addresses both email and physical.  I update spreadsheets (because I love spreadsheets). I text. I make phone calls.  I yawn, I laugh, and I cry.

I receive snapshots into the lives of each brick - some exciting - a trip to the Middle East planned with a friend, a road trip across the US with the kids, the job offer of a lifetime, the salvation of a son- some gut-wrenching - an incurable cancer diagnosis, a death, a miscarriage, a divorce…

I can’t help but notice this is a two way street - the role of giver and the role of receiver.  I also can’t help but notice that our God is a God of full length movies and not snapshots.  While He is fully immersed in the lives of our “bricks” he calls me over now and then to laugh with them or cry with them to reassure them that the God of the full length movie of their life is calling others to their side for this snapshot moment to laugh with them or cry with them, to be with them in a tangible way.

This…This bricklaying job…This arduous task is one of the greatest sources of joy in my life, and I would never want it any other way.

Noreen Lemon