The Gospel and Aliens...

I am convinced that the success or victory of today is rarely a result of my current activity or input. It seems that it may be more the result of the past than the present…the unanswered prayers that seemed to produce weariness in the moment but actually were the catalyst for the present.

To explain what is occurring in our ministry lately is quite literally miraculous and unexplainable. We have gone through a time of ridiculous testing, tears, snot, and exhaustion from all that we have faced this year, however God had already planted something that would cause his Kingdom to flourish in the hearts of our students. No storm could fell the tree that had already grown deep deep roots.

Last night we had our summer kick off with 13 students hungry to learn about Jesus.

Over the next several weeks of summer, they are excited to jump into learning Galatians - the gospel that tells us that Jesus+anything=nothing.

The question that takes the prize (other than the one about what predator we could take with our bare hands) was posed to me by a BYU student. “If there are aliens on another planet would they just read the story of redemption from our planet or would Jesus visit there?” Oh the fun of hanging out with university students!

I carefully thought and explained that if we believe that God created literally the entire universe, than we have to believe that if there are aliens than Jesus created those aliens. Therefore he would have to have a redemptive plan for them. A redemptive plan includes a savior that has “suffered in everyway like us,” so he would have to live like they do.

The look on their faces, when I said the Bible says that Jesus has “suffered in every way like us,” was one of shock, but the kind of shock that says, “Tell me more.” It seems they are hungry to know about this Savior.

Getting to this moment by way of chatting about aliens is the way of University ministry for sure!

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