Coincidence...I think Not!

The decision was made in November.  Long before “coronavirus” became a household cuss word and long before we were all confined to our homes trying to ration toilet paper and seriously considering for the first times in our lives the purchase of a bidet.  

On November 1st, I received an e-mail from our senior pastor, Dave, with the sermon schedule through the end of April.  In January, we received the sermon schedule for Chi Alpha from Tyler.  Both our church and Chi Alpha would be doing the sermon on the mount.  

The realization hit us last week that both schedules would line up for the first time this year on the week of March 22nd.  Both sermon titles - Do Not Worry.  Both Passages - Matthew 6:25-34.  

Hmmmmmm….in the middle of a Pandemic.  Coincidence…I think not.  

Unknowingly decisions were made in November and January to meet our deepest needs in March.  

I will be preaching all three of these sermons.  On Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  

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