"You're missing something..."

It is akin to walking down an abandoned path with no directional signs.  There is a constant voice in the back of my head, “You’re missing something.” “You don’t know what you are doing.”  Probably all valid statements at this juncture.  

Ministry (better known as my job) used to make sense.  There were clear markers that I was doing a decent job.  There was a road/path that we had marked out so that year after year we could travel it and depend on its past success rate.  

Now, don’t get me wrong, there have always been adjustments to make when potholes appeared or when a previous part of the road became impassable.  We would detour to the right or left - felling some trees in our path.  

But we never got rid of the whole dang road to build a new one with a 100 mile bridge over the chasm of a pandemic.  

It’s hard.

I hate to admit it with all the “hard” things the rest of you are facing right now.  Job loss.  Sickness. Death.  Just know that whenever I think of the road we are having to carve out, my mind pivots in your direction.  

So let me be someone that will pray for the real “hard” stuff that you amazing warriors are going through.

Just message or e-mail me back.  

Noreen LemonComment