When polar opposites collide...

Surrounded by life and death, joy and sorrow, pain and elation. I feel as if my emotions are everywhere and nowhere at times. The picture could be best painted by a list of my most recent activities:

  • Lost my really good friend's dog while she was going to the hospital to have her first child. (No, I did not tell her that I lost her dog. She found out when someone called and told her they found her dog. Reserve judgment for when you lose your good friend's dog on the day they are having their first child.)

  • Found dog. (or rather someone else found the dog and called my friend while at the hospital preparing to have her first child.)

  • Was refused entrance to hospital to be with friend since her mom wouldn't be in until the next day. They informed me that my magic clergy card would not work and that they had chaplains for her spiritual needs.

  • Stayed up really late worrying, praying and such while friend was laboring.

  • Cute little dark hair, blue-eyed baby was born.

  • Lost the dog again the next day. (Yes, I did tell her that I lost her dog and to expect a phone call. Again, reserve judgment for when you lose your good friend's dog right after her first child is born.)

  • Turned on the air conditioner because it was 80 degrees. Said air conditioner did not work. (Still doesn't, but it's not 80 degrees.)

  • Celebrated my daughter's 16th birthday with the cloud of the lost dog hanging over our heads.

  • Celebrated Easter with the cloud of the lost dog hanging over our heads. 

  • Found dog. (This time said dog was gone for two days leading us to believe he was dead. Unbeknownst to us he was residing at our local pound all weekend. Immediately after retrieving him, I high-tailed it to PetSmart to get a tighter collar with a cute little bowtie name tag for the little escape artist.)

  • Had a crazy wind storm. Shingles did not stay attached to roof. They have taken up residence in the yard.

  • Went to hold the teeny-tiny new baby!!!

  • Attended a memorial service for our pastor friends' 21 year old son that died in a tragic car accident. 

  • Practiced a dance routine twice for a wedding next weekend. (Note: I cannot dance. In fact, I cannot even clap. Apparently rhythm is not a pre-requisite, so I am opting for my short little self to be on the back row so I can watch the people on the front row (conspicuously of course.) Don't worry, I have a big dress I will wear so I'm planning on not really moving my legs and just kind of bouncing in place while mimicking the arm movements of the experts.)

So all those fun and not-so-fun activities were scattered in with the normal stuff (you know mom, wife, Chi Alpha, church, and presbyter stuff), making me a little off-kilter or maybe a lot off-kilter. 

Here's to the unexpected invading our lives and hopefully causing us to pivot in God's direction whether the occasion is marked by life or death, joy or sorrow, pain or elation.

P.S. that is a picture of our special looking escape artist chihuahua terrier with no teeth and a crazy long tongue.

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