The Beginning does not define the End...

I remember the call. You know the times when you can describe in vivid detail the place you were standing, the smell in the air, the emotions in your heart in vivid detail. 

It was July of 2015, and I was standing in the bedroom of the condo we had rented for family vacation in hot Sedona, Arizona. I was just about to walk out of the room and was positioned between the dresser and the bed when my iphone vibrated on the dressed. It was my best friend sister-in-law Courtney. 

The results were in. "She has muscle-wasting enzymes..." The tears were immediate and that fullness you feel in your chest when the world is spinning out of control. 

This was the beginning of the journey for my niece, Lilia. When she received the devastating muscular dystrophy diagnosis she was 11 years old. 

Last night we celebrated her 16th birthday. She uses a wheelchair most of the time now and has lost a lot of other physical abilities such as the ability to smile, but as I sat and watched her open presents on the floor, I sat in awe of her too. She is brilliant, creative, and has a beautiful soul. The most lovely part of her shines...

I guess I'm writing this because when I see where she is today, I am keenly aware that there are two people along with her Savior that take the credit for this. 

Her parents, Gerrad and Courtney Lemon, have displayed patience that I am not even close to possessing, the gift of empowerment, and unconditional love.

Many of you have received gut-wrenching news about your kiddos and questioned your ability to do this - live this life that seems impossible, but I have witnessed that you can do this with the One standing in the fire with you.

As I sat across the room, in awe of Lilia, I witnessed all those that got her to today, more than a survivor, but a force to be reckoned with for the Kingdom of God. 

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