Drum Roll, Please...

I know you all have been on the edge of your seats waiting for the results of our first week of Fall Start Up. You have prayed and ton and your prayers were answered!

Utah Valley University:

We prayed for 16 Christian students to join us on the journey of reaching the campus. 

You should have seen the looks on our faces when we made the goal at Leadership Retreat. If all was dependent on our belief in that moment, let's just say nothing would have been accomplished.

You see, meeting 2 to 3 Christian students during Fall Start up is usually a win for us. 16 is beyond ludicrous - like walking on water or something of that nature. 

Drum roll, please.....We met 14 Christian students during Fall Start up! but we aren't done. We will meet more on Monday night as a youth pastor is going to connect us with at least a few more.

University of Utah:

You may also wonder what is happening up at the U. Well it is nothing short of miraculous. 

We had about 90 students sign up because they were interested in becoming a part of XA this year! That is insane!

So what should you do? Keep praying. The battle is not over. We need students to stay connected, be discipled, and help reach the campus!

  1. Pray that the obstacles or distractions that would keep students from jumping in with both feet would be eliminated.

  2. Fall Retreat is October 14-17. Pray that each campus brings 20 new students. This is where relationships are forged for the school year. 

  3. Pray that God would continue to push back the darkness on our campuses.

  4. Pray that we would see the Greatest Student Awakening begin on the campuses of Utah!

Noreen LemonComment