The story you have been waiting for...

Aside from the stupendous feat of winning both 1st and 2nd place in a heated competition at our winter conference,SALT, God performed the miraculous.

I’m sure you want to hear about the miraculous, but I will begin with our epic win.

Utah Valley University and The University of Utah competed against the other schools in our region in a “best friend competition.”  Each school provided a set of best friends and the set proceeded to compete in three rounds.  The first being a knowledge-of-one-another contest.  The second being a secret handshake competition.  And lastly a music performance competition.

Of course we took first and second place with the University of Utah being the overall winner.  The revelation of shoe sizes and favorite bands along with acrobatic secret handshakes and music performances earned standing ovations.

Utah Valley University also took first place in feeding children through Feed One this year, giving close to $4000.

So now that I have thoroughly bragged about our amazing students, I will move on to what you really want to hear.

Miracle #1: we got there…through quite a snow storm, single digit temps and blizzard warnings, we slipped and slid to Pocatello, Idaho.

The day after SALT, we gathered at our Chi Alpha house in a huge circle and testified about what God did, and every single student and staff member had a story to tell.

One of our unsure-about-God students that we just met a few days before Salt decided to take a leap and go with us and has been nicotine-free for 4 days now.

Three of our students have decided to put their summer plans on hold and go on a summer missions trip instead.

One of our student leaders prayed the last day of SALT that she could share her faith with someone.  The very next day a Muslim student came up to her and asked her, “What kind of Christian are you?”  She proceeded to share with him what she believes.

Our African students that have experienced an indescribably difficult year supporting their best friend, Teresa, who is now relearning life after a stroke, two brain surgeries and a super long time in the hospital, experienced the peace of God.

One of our American students went feeling like her heart was too filthy for God to inhabit, but heard God say to her that he created her heart especially for housing himself.

I will end with the words of one of our South Sudanese students.

“I have three Bibles.  Before SALT, I had never read any of them, but after SALT I started reading the Bible.”

So there you have it, a super quick summary of what you prayed and paid for coming to fruition.  Without you guys, we could not have gone to SALT or do any of the things we do.  So soak in what God has done, my friends, you deserve it.

Noreen LemonComment