My Front Door Saga...

My front door underwent a crazy experiment a couple summers back. In its original state, it was a horrid puke green color with plastic trim attached to the top and visible holes where the plastic trim used to be on the bottom. I still was drawn to it because it was a double front door, which I had always dreamed of having.

The first step was to research how to paint a metal door. Then, I ripped that atrocious plastic trim off the top leaving gaping holes behind. No problem-the paint will cover that right up. One coat of primer and then a beautiful new blue/green/turquoise color which I was informed was the in-thing by a local realtor. Result: Uglier than it was before - not the color - but the much pronounced holes that you could see from the street.

Attempt number two: I filled in those gaping holes with wood putty and sand it down to a “smooth” finish. One coat of primer and another coat of that stunning color. Umm…No! Holes still obvious but now a little more pronounced and roughed up around the edges a bit.

Attempt number three: I scoured the internet for ideas of how to cover up ugly holes on front door. Found a super cool bold idea. A gold starburst pattern that distracts from the holes. I employed the husband to create varying sized pieces of wood. Spray painted those bad boys bright gold. Carefully measured where to put them and bam! Wow! This may be the loudest, craziest front door ever known to man. Hurry and take gold stuff off the door before the neighbors see it.

Attempt number four: Consulted husband once again to build a wooden facade for the door. Installed it, painted it, loved it!

BTW, the neighbors did come over and inquire about the psychotic looking front door.

So why the story about my front door? Well, because its kind of funny and gives you a glimpse into how my harebrained ideas play out. And because the other day I noticed that the door knob that I had painted this pretty gold was almost rubbed down to the original finish. In a weird way, it made me happy. Maybe some people can paint their doorknobs and they will last for years to come, but mine started wearing down within the first month. Why? So many hands...Different sizes...Different colors…have turned that knob and entered here. Maybe I should repaint it or buy a new one that is the right color, but would a shiny new knob speak the same message. “Welcome: Many have entered, and so can you,” or if said in a southern accent, “Come on in, ya’ll!"

The other night, I opened the door to an unexpected student whose heart was broken and just needed to be held for a little bit and offered a couch to sleep on. Yesterday, I opened the door to another student who was dropping something off for me, but I quickly invited her in to catch up. Yesterday, I also opened the door to my sweet neighbor, invited her in, and we had a precious conversation about suffering and God’s grace among a pile of popcorn seeds that had been deposited on my living room floor the night before.

I love my front door. I love my ugly worn down doorknob. This is my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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