The Mastermind behind the Oxymoron...

Procrastination is the name of my game.  I religiously save all gift wrapping until December 24th.  Maybe it is because that is what was handed down to me by my parents!  Maybe it is because I simply don’t like doing much in advance of when it is due.  Ahh…the days of midnight papers and cramming my head full of facts right before the exam.

Unusually or usually (I haven’t done a survey) I insist on wrapping each gift for my kids, husband, and extended family.  No gift bags if possible.  There is something so loving about meticulously folding origami-like folds around a carefully selected gift that warms my heart.

Doesn’t gift wrapping make a gift “special-er?” I always number the gift for my precious kiddos so they open the most exciting gift last.  I attempt to make that gift a little “special-er” by tying a bow on it or making the folds extra crisp.

So I had a moment this morning when I read, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  Imagery overload!  I envisioned this shining beautiful-beyond comparison orb of the hope of glory inside of a frail, fragile, human form.  This is either the worst gift-wrapping job ever or a very intentional statement by a master-mind.

I guess it is overwhelming at times to know that the orb of “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” is entrusted to my human form.  The gift wrapping of my body seems extremely deceptive.  The “hope of glory” deserves a better vessel. Yes? No?  Ah…but it is the mastermind behind this oxymoron that understood the paradox and chose it anyway.

P.S.  Maybe I’ll wrap my gifts this year with this paradox in mind and freak out my kids.

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